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Legislative Update

Drs. Daniel Nicoli, DO and Maya Lopez in conjunction with our lobbyist, Katy King, have been working hard to advance the quality of psychiatric care and practice environments in Oregon. Some of the actions taken by this committee include evaluating potential legislative concepts at the state and federal level and advocating for OPPA positions, working to preserve intensive mental health care services, promoting OPPA interests to influential state legislators and other government officials, and working with other health care organizations and stakeholders.
Katy King is the Oregon Psychiatric Physicians Association Government Relations Director. She represents the chapter and advocates for OPPA policy positions at the local and state level. She also acts as a liaison between the chapter and other stakeholders on issues that impact behavioral health care.
 Legislative activity is regularly summarized for our members during interim legislative days in Salem and during the legislative session. You can read the reports here.
For more information about the legislative process, please contact us at

Weekly Updates - legislative

Oregon Psychiatric Physicians Association
Phone: (503) 967-9511   |